‘Twil Soon Be Past


I got my black dress out of the closet this morning. We have a gathering today, a time to mark the homegoing of a beloved man in our church family. I also have been talking with family members this weekend as we anticipate one of our membership going to see his King very soon. Last week I had a hard conversation with a friend as we wrestled with the fragility of our days. 

This is hard. This season is hard. 

The Bible says our days are like a vapor. Like a flower in the field. There, and gone. 

Today as I prepare my heart for the hours ahead this verse is on my mind. 

“It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for this is the end of all mankind, and the living will lay it to heart.”
Ecclesiastes 7:2

This is the end of all mankind. 

I’ve been listening to John Piper’s Don’t Waste Your Life. What a poignant reminder in times like these. What will I present to my King at the end of my days here under the sun? Will I give Him my seashell collection? My well-curated library of great books? My watchlist? 

Lord, cause me to lay it to heart. Teach us to grieve well, with hope that rests only in You, with peace that passes understanding. May we not waste our lives. 

Only one life
‘Twill soon be past 
Only what’s done 
For Christ will last. 
-C.T. Studd

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