God is Mighty to Save
This post is part of a month-long series reflecting on truths of Who God is through the alphabet and what those truths mean to us in the midst of our foster care journey. You can find the whole series here.
There have been a handful of sermons through the years that have profoundly shaped my faith. One of them is from David Platt- “The Role of Desperate Prayer in Relenting Wrath.”
The truth that God has burned in my heart from this message is that He wills to work through the prayers of His people. In some way that we do not fully understand, God invites us into His throne room to intercede on behalf of others, to seek His mercy, to ask Him to intervene. It is how He chooses to unfold His plan in our world- our prayers and His response to our prayers are part of His sovereign plan. Mind blowing. What a sacred privilege. What might He do when we ask? What are we missing because we don’t?
This truth has become a fundamental approach for us in understanding our role in fostering. We have only had babies- and sometimes it is a struggle to not know where they are, to not know how they are being cared for, if they will be told about Jesus. If we believe that the only reason they were with us was to care for them for a few weeks or months, it begins to feel futile.
But what if... what if God wants to work in these little lives, and He wills to work through not just our physical care for them, but through our PRAYER? What if He sovereignty placed these boys in our home knowing they will be prayed for for years to come- not just by us, but by family and friends who loved them and will pray? What if the ministry of our love and prayers is far more impacting than bottles given and diapers changed? I believe it is. I believe God wills to work through our prayer. I believe He is mighty to save and can bring them to Himself no matter where they are - and He wants them brought to His throne room by name.
What a privilege and a sacred trust.
Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
The truth that God has burned in my heart from this message is that He wills to work through the prayers of His people. In some way that we do not fully understand, God invites us into His throne room to intercede on behalf of others, to seek His mercy, to ask Him to intervene. It is how He chooses to unfold His plan in our world- our prayers and His response to our prayers are part of His sovereign plan. Mind blowing. What a sacred privilege. What might He do when we ask? What are we missing because we don’t?
This truth has become a fundamental approach for us in understanding our role in fostering. We have only had babies- and sometimes it is a struggle to not know where they are, to not know how they are being cared for, if they will be told about Jesus. If we believe that the only reason they were with us was to care for them for a few weeks or months, it begins to feel futile.
But what if... what if God wants to work in these little lives, and He wills to work through not just our physical care for them, but through our PRAYER? What if He sovereignty placed these boys in our home knowing they will be prayed for for years to come- not just by us, but by family and friends who loved them and will pray? What if the ministry of our love and prayers is far more impacting than bottles given and diapers changed? I believe it is. I believe God wills to work through our prayer. I believe He is mighty to save and can bring them to Himself no matter where they are - and He wants them brought to His throne room by name.
What a privilege and a sacred trust.
Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
My Savior
He can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to save
He is Mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave