
Showing posts from November, 2015


I woke up this morning and looked at my calendar in disbelief… a big, empty box stared back at me. There is nothing compulsory on my calendar today. Oh, there’s still plenty to do. Dishes sit in my sink from a merry gathering of friends last night. My homeschool agenda has a list of goals. Work tasks await me in my email and my planner. And, why, oh why, do I never seem to be caught up with laundry? But for now, I sit. Jesus and I are having coffee. I started “quickly” reading through the book of Matthew in September. I’m now in chapter 14 –  obviously I’m making excellent time . I started reading Matthew in a cafe’ in Thailand. I left part of my heart in Thailand in the fall of 2014. If you didn’t read  my post at the end of 2014 , just click back a couple of posts… 2015 has been very full but not so full of the writing. Throughout this year God just kept right on breaking my heart. Breaking my heart for 400,000 children in foster care  –  we w...